Category Archives: Projects

New book coming in February and I’m trying something fun…

I’m so excited to be preparing my next book. This one is kind of unique because it’s got an experimental format. Tons of tiny stories, interwoven to form a tapestry that gives a sense of depth to a larger world. I loved writing it and the packaging is going to be gorgeous.

As I’m getting ready to release it, I’m doing a fun experiment. It’s called “Pebbles of Stardust” and it’s a mailing list that will last through the release date. I’ll be sending out a little story every week to land in your inbox.

I’m excited to say there’s also a print version! I’ll be hand-binding copies of each little story and sending them via snail mail, so you can get something fun through the mail besides bills.

You can find out all the details and how to sign up here: Pebbles of Stardust, an experiment.

Did I mention there’s a coupon for the print edition, too? 🙂

A few notes…

I’m excited about a few things I’m adding to the site over the next week or so.

First off, I’ve already added a link to my latest project. Storyteller Tools is something I’ve wanted to do for some time now. It was meant to be more complex, but in the end, simplicity won out. It is nothing more or less than a Delicious account devoted to the best writing and worldbuilding resources I can get my hands on. It is still a work in progress as I gather links scattered across my various browsers and bookmarking tools. Please do send me any links that might be helpful to your fellow writers!

And secondly, I’ve decided to go ahead and post a short novel I wrote some time ago. I’m going to do it under a Creative Commons license, so it will be free for anyone to read. I will admit right up front that it is a mixed bag of quality, a bit cliched and not the most original thing on the block. Still, it has its moments and in looking it over, I still have an affection for the characters. Stay tuned for more details.

Finally, I’d like to announce that Luna Station Quarterly is now accepting submissions for our first annual drabble issue. 100 words of genre awesomeness, take the challenge if you dare!

365 + 365 + 365 + 52

It’s done. It’s really, really done. Since this date last year, I have read 365 short stories, 365 poems, and 365 essays. I’ve also written 52 short stories (plus a couple drabbles, a poem or two, and some spare bits of story fodder).

Holy Shit.

So. Tomorrow I start reading ‘Chalice’ by Robin McKinely in an effort to retrain my brain towards reading longer fiction again and start letting my brain relax and reassess where I am in my writing and where I want to go next. Lots of editing to do, of course, but what else?

There’s plenty of writing exercises I can work through, and I can start getting story ideas down as well. Most importantly, though, is that I keep reading. If you don’t have enough time to read, you don’t have enough time to write, so read on, I will.