she’s a rebel…

once more into the breach, my friends. yes, i’m doing NaNoWriMo again, in what is beginning to become a tradition. i call myself a ‘NaNoRebel’. i’m a participatory cheering section.

as i did last year, i’ll be working on a story that has already been started. last year it was a new work, this year it’s my 2007 NaNo-winning novel that’s been under heavy editing for the last couple of months. i’m not really setting a word count goal, though reaching the 50k would be awesome. instead, i’m just going to add as much new material as possible.

regardless of my own word count, though, i’m there to also cheer on those around me. at least one of my writer friends is digging in again, and i’m hoping to recruit a few more or find the ones that have already signed up.

i’m also taking the next ten days or so to get my house in order and clear a few decks for this. priority lies with my design portfolio, which has languished far too long in a half-completed state.

i’m hoping that next year i can do NaNo properly, but for now, i’m just happy to participate and tap into all that wonderful, crazy, creative energy.

you’ve always wanted to write that novel idea floating around your head, haven’t you? c’mon! join me! i dare you!