
Take On Me

This is a story about falling in love, about the families we’re born into and the ones we find along the way. It’s about grief and change and bravery. It’s about food and music and discovering our own ways of moving through the world.

But most of all, it’s a story about taking each other as we come, for who we are right now, and who we’re stumbling towards becoming.

You can learn more about the book on it’s own website! Visit for playlists and other goodies!

  • Genre: LGBTQIA+
  • Print Length: 480 pages
  • Publication Date: February 2020
  • ISBN: 978-1-938697-78-4

A Stirring in the Bones

“A personal story at the heart of a vast, fragile universe.” – Tara Lindsey, author of “The Esbat Sequence”

“This book was full of mystical science fiction! Jennifer created a beautiful world full of characters you will love and an ethereal ambiance you won’t want to leave behind!” – Erin DeMoss

Elys Ki Dul long ago accepted that he is neither the best nor brightest of the Hantirri Order. He takes comfort in being useful, focusing on completing his missions as a courier and training the apprentice he chose himself, despite her unconventional nature.

When an unexpected letter comes into his possession, he finds himself charged with a task meant for those more powerful than himself. With his world turned upside down, Elys relies on his apprentice’s clear-headed outlook, a new companion’s heart-centered strength, and the wisdom of a mysterious old woman who is more than she seems.

Set amidst a galaxy recovering from centuries of conflict, A Stirring in the Bones tells the story of a humble man forced to question his place in the universe when Fate comes calling. Or maybe he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Even Elys isn’t quite sure.

  • Genre: Space Fantasy
  • Print Length: 308 pages
  • Publication Date: 2nd ed: November 2013
  • ISBN: 978-1-938697-38-8