Everything old is new again…

Huzzah the website revamp. I simply could not let the beautiful planetary background go, but this poor old site needed a facelift. It now works quite nicely on mobile devices and is much more in line with my new goals for my writing and new directions for my life in words.

I’ve updated my bio, added links to my special personal projects, and generally freshened up the content around the site.

In the interim since my last post, I’ve had a couple of big, important things happen:

On March 1st, I published the NINTH ISSUE of Luna Station Quarterly. I’m so proud and humbled (can you be both?) to present the stories to the world.

Then, on March 2nd, I was interviewed by Katherine Tomlinson for her “Feminist Fiction Friday” feature on her blog. I had a wonderful time answering her in-depth questions about LSQ and my own writing.

And I’m so pleased to announce that I’ll be launching a new endeavor on May 1st. I don’t want to give too many details away just yet, but I will say that it’s going to expand upon my mission with Luna Station in new and exciting ways.

So, with all that news out of the way, I invite you to watch this space carefully for coming news!